This week there’s a mixture of good and bad news, when it comes to our finances. The good news is that we’re on the edge of making our £2,250 fighting fund target for January - more of that below.
But the bad news is that we will have no option but to raise our subscription prices very soon. As regular readers will know, our printing costs have soared and the postage price is expected to shoot up yet again in April. Once we have the new rates from Royal Mail, we’ll be better placed to announce the new sub charges. Of course, the current rate of just £5 per month that UK subscribers pay is way below what it costs to produce and mail out each copy of the Weekly Worker, so I’m sure that overwhelmingly our readers will be more than happy to up their subs.
In the meantime, the money received via our fighting fund helps fill the gap. And over the last week £530 came our way, taking our running total up to £2,202 - with, as I write, two days still to go. Thanks in particular to comrades JC and TT for their three-figure contributions. Other bank transfers/standing orders came from AG (£50), JT and TW (£25 each), AB (£20), DD (£18), SS (£16), IS and JD (£10) and TT (£6).
PayPal donations came from DB (£50) and JH (£30), who wrote in an accompanying message that the Weekly Worker is “a breath of fresh air”. He admires our “great culture of debate and high-quality articles” and urges us: “Keep it up!” We’ll do our best, comrade!
But, as I’ve been saying, we need those extra donations to see us home. At the moment another £48 will do the job for January, but I won’t complain if we go shooting past that £2,250 target. Please make a bank transfer or PayPal donation as soon as you read this (details below)!
Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310
To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit