Play your part - Weekly Worker

Date: unknown



I’m afraid to say that, despite a couple of excellent donations, the last week has been a little disappointing for the Weekly Worker fighting fund.

As regular readers will know, we need to raise £2,250 every month in order to match all our costs, but, as things stand at the moment, the running total for November is just £827. In other words, with exactly half the month gone as I write, we are just over a third of the way there!

True, we are about to enter that time of the month when several substantial standing orders come our way, but that will not be enough to get us home without a good few other comrades chipping in too. Please follow the example of some of the readers who contributed over the last seven days.

First there is comrade TG, who donated a fantastic £100 by bank transfer; then there were RL and US comrade PM, who both donated £50 via PayPal. Other bank transfers/standing orders came from OG (£24), SA (£12), PM, CC and JL (£10 each), while MZ transferred the same amount from Italy using PayPal. Finally comrade Hassan made his usual cash donation of a fiver to one of our comrades.

Unfortunately, however, all the above comes to a rather paltry £281 - way behind the going rate, if we’re going to get anywhere near where we need to be each month to keep producing the only paper in Britain that fights for the single, democratic, Marxist party that is so desperately needed.

So please pay your part by sending us a cheque, clicking on the PayPal button on our website or making a bank transfer. You could even set up a standing order.

Let’s get back on track, comrades!